Camel Milk for Athletes
For centuries, athletes in counties like Kenya have been encouraged to drink camel milk to positively influence their performance. It is increasingly becoming more common in the mainstream health and fitness industry, because of its numerous benefits. Athletes and trainers like biohacker Ben Greenfield use camel milk for a number of reasons including rehydration, inflammation, muscle recovery and muscle development. The unique proteins and amino acids in camel milk combined with the high rate of digestion provide a nutritional, all-natural performance enhancing drink for athletes at all levels.
Lactoferrin and IGF-1 in Camel Milk: Athlete Benefits
Athletes looking to maintain a healthy immune system and lose weight while maintaining lean muscle mass should strongly consider incorporating our freeze dried camel’s milk into their diet. Camel milk contains much higher levels of lactoferrin and immunoglobulin than cow milk, which makes it very helpful to reduce inflammation and fight against infections.
Lactoferrin, an iron binding protein, is up to 100x more concentrated in camel milk than in cow milk [1]. Scientists have found antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory activity, and powerful antioxidant effects[2][3]. In conjunction, lactoferrin literally binds and detoxes inflammatory iron from injured joints. What this means, is less down time from sickness or injuries due to heavy training sessions.
IGF-1 or the“youthful hormone” is a hormone that slowly decreases as you age and is very popular amongst athletes. It stimulates lean muscle growth, anabolism over catabolism, anti-aging, tissue repair/healing, and the list goes on. Unlike other sources, camel milk IGF isn’t destroyed by the stomach acid. [4]
Athletes who consume camel milk before or after a training session will protect their lean muscle mass, shorten recovery time and increase endurance. Furthermore, camel milk contains a high amount of antimicrobial agents such as immunoglobulin, which supports the immune system.
Camel Milk & Athletes: The New Fitness Drink!
Lactose intolerance is a major concern for athletes, because sometimes their only option is to consume sports drinks with cow whey. Even though some protein powders don’t contain lactose, people still have difficulties digesting the large proteins. But that is not the case with camel milk whey, as it is the perfect alternative for lactose intolerant athletes. It is non-allergenic as it does not contain beta casein or lactoglobulin and contains proteins that are similar to human breast milk[5]. Sahara Dairy Co.’s freeze dried camel’s milk formula is easily incorporated into pre or post workout shakes to provide a natural boost of vitamins. For an organic, healthier protein shake simply mix our camel milk powder into your smoothie or shake. Before or after a workout, it is recommended to take 2-3 tablespoons. See more of our camel milk powder suggested uses.
[1] Camel milk contains 30-100 times higher Lactoferrin than Bovine Milk. Konuspayeva G, Serikbayeva A, Loiseau G, Narmuratova M. Faye B (2005) Lactoferrin of camel milk of Kazakhstan. NATO Series, I: Life and Behavioural Science 362: 158-167
[2] Lactoferrin Antimicrobial uses Antimicrobial properties of lactoferrin. Jenssen H, Hancock RE. Biochimie. 2009 Jan;91(1):19-29. doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2008.05.015. Review. PMID: 18573312
[3] Camel milk lactoferrin reduces the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells and exerts antioxidant and DNA damage inhibitory activities DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.03.039 · Source: PubMed
[4] INSULIN IN MILK OLGA ZAGORSKI, ARIEL MAMAN**, AVRHAM YAFEE*, A. MEISLES*, CLARA VAN CREVELD AND REUVEN YAGIL Faculty of Health Sciences Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O Box 653, BEERSHEVA 84105, Israel
[5] Camel milk and health Publication by: Dr. M.G. Smits*, Dr. A. Alting** , Dr. T. Huppertz**, Dr. J. Kiers** *Coordinator of camel milk research in the Netherlands Gelderse Vallei Hospital, Ede. P.O. Box 9025, 6710 HN Ede. **The Netherlands Institute for Dairy Research
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