
Camel Milk & The Blood Sugar Connection

What’s your relationship with food? When you first roll, heave or push yourself to a seat in the morning how do you feel? Nauseous or hungry for a carb-loaded breakfast? How about after lunch? Feeling a nap or craving caffeine and sugar? Equally as important, how...

Why Camel Milk is Bioavailable & Supplements Aren’t!

  There is an increasing number of supplements and touted health remedies flooding the consumer market. Claims are made and waved in front of the eyes of potential buyers.  Captured hearts buy the advertised capsules, powders or liquid - in high hopes of the solution to...

Camel Milk for Autism: A New Hope

  One of the most terrifying things to be told as a parent is that your child may not live a normal life. That your child may not be understood socially, and save for behavior and communication therapy he/she will never be “normal." With the rise of...